President Lucy Lo (2024-2025)

When I first joined the Rotary Club of Hong Kong South, I was impressed by the sense of community and the passion that our Rotarians bring to serve the community. Over the past 5 decades, our club has been given back to our community, our planet and our youths. I've had the privilege to work with the community service committee for a few years, and I can say with certainty that it has been an incredibly rewarding experience.
One of my favourite quotes: “When I walk alone, I can walk fast, but when we walk together, we walk further.”
Together, we have accomplished so much. We've hosted engaging speaker events, organized fun social activities, helped to bring some green back to mother-earth as well as given back to our local community and youth. The energy and dedication of our Rotarians have been truly inspiring.
As we look ahead to the coming year, I am honoured and humbled to be the president and excited to serve with the club. We have some fantastic events and initiatives planned that I believe will take our club to new heights. Of course, none of this would be possible without everyone’s continued involvement and support.
I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all Rotarians around the world. Together, we can achieve great things and continue to change the world as well as building better communities around us.
Let’s serve together and look forward to a magical year ahead with the two mottoes in our minds “Service Above Self” and “One Profits Most Who Serves Best”!
Yours in Rotary Service
Lucy Lo
Yours in Rotary Service
Lucy Lo